In Memorial


Jonda alumni event SATURDAY 7/31 & SUNDAY 8/1 2021.

Many of you know that the Right Honourable Reverend  AK Kerr is organizing a service and get together to remember ~recently passed brothers Tom Baker ‘87, Marvin Sitton ‘88, and Jeff Brausch ‘90. The service will be at 1 o’clock on Towers lawn on Sunday, August 1.  Rumor has it that the infamous Brown Hornet ‘89 and the lovely Ms. Gretchen Kerr plan to sing. We will most assuredly continue on with festivities, beverages, and catching up. Jonda men of all years, their spouses, and other friends are all welcome and invited. I know several out-of-towners planning to attend in addition to the usual Columbus area suspects. Please pass the word, and show up for a great time. If you have questions check with AK or me.

Additionally, several of us plan to play golf on Saturday, July 31. Right now this likely includes Jerry Sandbags Fairchild, Sarge, Beef, Ank, Niles, me, and I’m sure some others I’m forgetting. If you want to play please give your info to Mark Ogilbee asap.

And of course we expect additional festivities on Saturday night, location TBD.

Please come join us for a good time and to remember our brothers who left too soon.


Short version:

Saturday morning golf.

Saturday evening get together at Gressos.

Sunday 1:00 service Towers Lawn.

Pass the word please.



Golf; course still tbd. So far we have Ank, Beef, Jerry, Neal, Danny Morris?, me, maybe Rebel navigating the beverages. Anyone else want to play or ride along?REPLY HERE to get added.

SATURDAY 7/31 6:30:

Dollar Bill Riley has gotten us a great place to get together Saturday evening. REPLY HERE if you think you’ll be there, and tell how many you’ll bring (e.g. Kamie will join me).

Gressos, 961 South High Street. We have an area on patio reserved. If it rains Dollar has a private area upstairs just for us. Please pass the word to non-Facebook people and RSVP HERE so we can get a rough number for Dollar.


1:00 on Towers lawn. AK will lead a memorial service. Hornet and Gretchen will sing, three of us will say a few words about Bakes, Marv, and Jeff. If anyone else would like to add some commentary please feel free. We expect some family of perhaps all three of those brothers, so keep it clean!

Memorial will probably be an hour or less. I plan to be fairly casual - golf attire. Afterward we can get together in the Jonda house for some light food and Otterbein-legal refreshments.


At least some of us will still be hanging around the city Sunday evening. Tom May will be flying in around 8:00. Not sure yet where we’ll be. Join us!


Jonda Alumnus to receive Alumni Award at 2021 Homecoming


Homecoming 2021